Children learn quickly and thus it is important that you impart proper education to them during these crucial first few years. Learning needs to be fun and thus it is important that teachers ensure that sessions are interactive and fun so that these young minds can have fun while learning concepts easily. The entire objective of teaching in this unique way is to provide these young kids with inspirational and motivational experiences that they can grow up with. Our teachers at ACMES offer unique models and play-based activities so that children do not get bored while studying and lose interest. An important aspect to note for these classes is the class size, because the teachers are laser-focused on the children, and hence fewer children in the class help the teachers to focus completely on the students and guide them well with the course curriculum.
A mother is the first teacher and friend of the child and thus, entering into the world of education with their mothers is the most efficient way to introduce the child to a new environment. The Mom and Me program focuses on the age group of 12-18 months children and encourages mothers to come with their children and participate in the activities.
Not only does this become exciting for the child to learn with a known person, but they also feel secure and comfortable in a new environment. The most common activities that are included in this program are for the mother and child to play, build blocks, learn about sounds and stories, and eat together. This helps the child to slowly, but steadily adapt to the world of the adults and this environment boosts the development of the child in a much more positive way. This activity engagement also improves the bonding between the mother and child.
Learning with peers has always been a positive way to help children learn to be interactive and work in groups. Not only does this program offers an interactive session, but also a safe environment and ample opportunities for the child to learn and develop their social skills. The playgroup program was essentially created to gently introduce children to a school environment from their home environment so that they can get used to a structured course and simultaneously learn how to play and adapt to it. A lot of activities that are included in this program revolve around crafts and enhancing their skills.
For a child, the maximum development happens during the first two years of their lives, and thus it is important to utilise this crucial period so that they can develop well. From language to skill set, development is maximum during this age of 12-18 months. So the fundamental principles need to be incorporated into their lives for a steady, but consistent growth. Children are active learners, but they also have a very short attention span. Thus, anything intriguing that stimulates their senses is captured easily by them. This is the age when they learn to identify colours, and shapes, and improve their emotional and intellectual development.
The pre-nursery age is between 2 to 3 years and this is when children are the most curious. Their curious minds can learn a lot of things in a very short time, and retain that knowledge as well. Children learn to be independent, learn about new things, and communicate better. By the third year, the child advances to the stage of pre-school and this is where they learn not only about independence but also about controlling their bodily functions and telling teachers about this.
We provide the children with a safe and communicative environment that helps greatly with the developmental process. Children can be moody but our staff is equipped to handle their changing moods and interests and are provided with consistent care and support. Additionally, students learn about language and mathematical skills. They see their friends learning and doing things, and that greatly motivates them to learn and develop major skills in school.
The age where children enrol themselves in Nursery is 3-4 years. By this, the child has learned how to speak in constructed sentences, tell and control their bodily functions, and are a little more interactive. They gain confidence and learn about problem-solving skills, to navigate around their world better. This program is solely dedicated to meaningful and impactful development, teaching students how to function in a structured environment.
The curious young mind learns with a positive disposition, and this is an important aspect as they think for themselves as well as for others around them. Writing, reading, maths, and social skills slowly start developing at this age. All of the above activities are not just given at a go, but they are infused into the child’s life naturally. This age needs to be handled with care and caution.
Kindergarten age ranges between 4 to 5 years and this is when a comprehensive and skill-based program works most efficiently with students. Your little one is gradually getting ready for the world, and there is no better way than to enrol them in a kindergarten to enhance and streamline the developmental process. It is the perfect way to groom young children in the adult world with a constructed and strict learning model. Pre-school is mostly about playing and learning, but things start to get serious once they enrol in a proper school and this transition can be a little scary. To ease into the process, kindergarten enrollment is recommended.
Kindergarten helps the child to learn more effectively and focus on language, vocabulary, and deciphering skills. The young curious minds can be emphatic, and yet reach out to the world with the same interest and questions. Kindergarten helps students learn and improve their social skills along with their skills in mathematics, literature, language, and science. Additionally. They learn about discipline, and patience, learn to listen well, and understand and solve problems. These classroom skills are taught in kindergarten and then these skills later develop into major personality traits.
Day care programs range from 12 months to approximately 6 years and children are offered unique and creative activities while they are there with their teachers. The most important aspect of day care is safety which is non-negotiable by every parent, and our program boasts of offering a safe, and stimulating environment to your child for holistic and consistent growth in them. The most important thing to maintain when the child is young is that they are safe, they are growing in a secure environment, and they like the surroundings that they have been placed in so that they can grow confident and secure.
The daycare timings are mostly from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm from Monday to Friday, and 8:30 am to 12:30 pm on Saturdays. The trained staff are compassionate and caring and know how to take care of the young children so that they are happy and content in the place. Moreover, the activities are creative, constructive, and fun-filled. In addition to providing them with a happy environment, they also give them delicious and nutritious meals so that the young children can grow well in the immediate absence of the guardians also. The day care ensures a balance between learning and playing so that the child can appreciate and try to get involved in both. The learning is vast, yet fun, and this is what day care ensures.