Pika Kidz

Nursery Age: 3.5 years to 4.5 years

Children by the age of 4 learn how to speak in properly constructed sentences. They are more active, moving around and looking into things that interest them to most. This is also when they are most curious and open to learning new things. When important personality traits are infused into their learning so that they can Whet their skills as they grow up. The programs that are constructed for this age group are meant for impactful development and teaching the children how to function in a structured learning environment. They learn about gaining confidence, learning to speak in public, improving their creativity and showcasing their individual talents. This is also the age when they start taking an interest in Maths, science, reading, writing, and social skills, among others. This is the age of care and caution and our teachers are well-versed in this. They make sure that the children are gently introduced to the school curriculum, and that they are patient with their questions and teachings. 

Activities: The activities involved in this age consist of both learning and extracurricular activities. The age group shows a peak interest in their talents and it is a good time to discover things that interest them and help them in honing those skills. This is also a time for personality development, and thus they need to be involved in activities that are easy but impactful. Some of the common activities that are included for this age group are:


  • Story time and social speaking, where children are encouraged to read easy sentences from the story books
  • Sand and water play times as an extracurricular activity
  • Field trips
  • Puppet shows and script enacting
  • Library time
  • Science and technology corner for the technologically inclined
  • Creative time for the artsy children
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